武汉桑拿网,武汉品茶网,武汉夜网,武汉夜生活论坛 桑拿KB会所 Li Yueling’s eyes are red when he realizes, but it’s really amazing to convince Li Yueling that he has realized something. I just don’t know if he will dare to say so when he realizes that he will come back to the nirvana of Yuan Zhen Ling in the future.

Li Yueling’s eyes are red when he realizes, but it’s really amazing to convince Li Yueling that he has realized something. I just don’t know if he will dare to say so when he realizes that he will come back to the nirvana of Yuan Zhen Ling in the future.

Looking to the reincarnation of the Great Sage who gave his life at the beginning, although he has not yet recovered his true spirit, he realized that Li Yueling’s brotherhood has not been much reduced
Brother, you have come. At this moment, it seems that there are many scenes in my mind. At the beginning, at the end of the day, there was a fierce battle, and the golden hoop was broken. It was said to Li Yueling’s reincarnation and so on
When I came, I didn’t know that Li Yueling’s palm was already holding the gold lock of Lingxing that he had paid before the enlightenment.
Brother Sun, this is your thing. I’ll give you the Lingxing Golden Lock now. The wind is very natural, and it floats from Li Yueling’s palm and falls into Wu’s hands.
Today, there are still some trivial things to be done. I have to wait for the younger brother to settle down the millions of goblins first, and then look for a beautiful place. Although Brother Sun poured the golden lock of the true spirit star, it is still enlightened, but it contains the great sage and the true spirit. It does not mean that integration can be achieved immediately. It takes a great magical power to lead the spirit of the sun, the moon, the heavens and the earth. It takes 911 days to be deployed by the operation method before it can be achieved. Now, in a different place, it is impossible to do it immediately.
Seeing Li Yueling’s enlightenment is also remembering many past events. Even the playful look in his eyes is a lot lighter, but it is a bit more wise. From hearing Li Yueling’s words, he immediately nodded. Brother is right. This is a lot of trouble or it is better to solve it earlier.
Li Yueling’s relationship with Wu Jin Xiuqing was unclear, but they also heard something from the words. At this moment, I heard that Li Yueling was going to settle the millions of gods. Jin Xiuqing couldn’t help but wonder that when Yue Lingfang appeared, you said that the millions of gods were just a bunch of Shan Ye goblins. What did you mean?
Li Yueling’s knowledge of the Heaven Emperor is extremely extensive. Although he can’t know the calendar of the past and the future, it’s not a problem to know the calendar of three to five thousand years. He immediately smiled indifferently. Japan is also known as Japan, a demon of the past generation. Xu Fuling led many monsters against Middle-earth to create a small country. They said that millions of gods are a group of goblins and goblins, and Sun fooled some fools. It’s all right. In fact, what kind of strength is a god? Actually, it’s impossible to practice even a fairy. It’s even more ridiculous to make
It turned out that Jin Xiuqing sighed together.
It’s not just that the bird man boasted that the Twelve Gods are powerful. In my opinion, it’s just twelve monsters with certain ways. It’s estimated that it’s a demon king level creature. The only thing that has never heard of the bird man to the Three Artifacts is what it can be.
So what should we do now? It’s because Haneda signed a contract, and now it’s involved in something strange. Kim Soo-ching is trying to make some mistakes.
What else can I do, aunt? Take a break for a while and wait for Yue Ling to leave. These false gods will be swept away. Realize as soon as possible and pour them into the true spirit. Li Yueling is also not in the mood to spend more time talking. He has already interpreted the gods, but it is only a few breathing things, and he has locked in a certain nickname, the demon Wang Qi Zhen Xiong, in the depths of the sea near Japan.
Aunt, I’ll be back when I go.
Li Yueling’s figure suddenly disappeared, and Gollum knew that the boss had gone to fight the demon again. He couldn’t help but say with some depressed words that the boss was so ungrateful that such fun things didn’t even take Gollum.
Chapter three hundred and fourteen Three Artifacts Now
It is said that the peacock king was destroyed by Gollum, and his body was instantly destroyed in Okinawa’s submarine base. Qi Zhenxiong was also born. You should know that the millions of gods lived in another world, but they were forcibly absorbed by their three artifacts and brought to the human world. With their physical strength, the three artifacts tangibly matched and controlled the millions of gods.
Once a thing is really ambiguous, it will be induced in his heart. It is very clear that Peacock King is not as powerful as the Twelve Gods, but it is also very powerful. Today, it has been easily solved by others. This can say that the people who follow Jin Xiuqing’s side are very powerful and can compare with the Twelve Gods.
Even if he is this estimate, the fact is still far from the truth. Zhen Xiong can think of his ambition and plot to offend him. He is a person who can compare with the twelve gods.
Not to mention that Li Yueling, a six-royal and one-western Tai Chi emperor, is enough to step over this tiny country with one foot.
At the moment, disambiguation Mako is wiping a bronze mirror with strange edges and corners in a secret room of the base. Look at him, he looks very solemn as if this bronze mirror is an extremely precious thing.
Zhi mirror, dusty, you have shown your magical power again for several years. Let me see who my enemy really is. As Qi Zhenxiong said, an image appeared in the mirror. First, a blue wave followed by a light golden light passed through it. I can vaguely grasp that it should be a figure, but I can’t see the shape clearly.
How is this possible? Zhi mirror has never let me down. Zhen Xiong shook Zhi mirror as if he were very unwilling.
At this time, Li Yueling has locked in the breath of disambiguation in the Haitian base in Okinawa, let alone just one day. Even if it is the ball range, Li Yueling’s strength of god knowledge can be searched in several breaths to find someone he wants.
At the moment when Li Yueling was about to fly to the submarine base, he put out his gods’ knowledge and woven it into the earth’s knowledge. Suddenly there was a wave, and he felt quietly peeked at by others. He couldn’t help sneering at an andao at the corner of his mouth.
This culprit is not too idiotic, and he can hardly pry into the sea of his own knowledge, which also adds that the leader of the daily million monsters is something real.
Suddenly, I had a shock in my hand. Li Yueling’s center weaved Wan Li’s knowledge of the sea. In the middle, there was a huge ripple and I started. In this earthquake, I suddenly realized that Zhen Xiong had jumped out of his control from the uncontrolled mirror.
In a strong complex and heavy fall to tremble.
I can’t believe I didn’t break that guy’s magic weapon. It seems that the little demon is such a good baby today. Li Yueling’s means is already his earth and unique gods’ attack. Looking at him through Zhi mirror, he has a slight connection, and he wants to borrow a horse’s psychic force to destroy it at a stroke, but it is unsuccessful.
Is thinking about Li Yueling’s body shape is now hanging a sneer at the corners of the mouth of the submarine base, and it’s not much to talk about. If you grasp it, you will catch a huge golden hand and go to the sea.
Breaking through the water and suddenly rising as high as 100 feet, amazing waves, creatures in the sea have been torn off on both sides and gone to the depths with the waves. Li Yueling turned into a golden hand and grabbed the triangular submarine base in Fiona Fang, which is thousands of meters at the bottom of the sea.
Give me a strong force. The hill is also like a Haitian base. It was dumped by Li Yueling’s poor divine power. Such a scene is really a shock. At least half of the people in this base died.
Just now, the military base that was firmly located in Haiti is like a UFO floating hundreds of meters above the sea.

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