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"The right main gun of the turret of the armor-piercing projectile with a hat fires!"

Rao is that the armor thickness of the commander tower is more than 4 mm, and the shock absorber can be 35 mm. The recoil caused by the shooting of the main turret still makes the soles of the commanders of the commander tower of Luzov numb. The waiting process is the most confusing, even if the first round of shelling is a hit, it is impossible to ask for it. Even if the main gun barrel of Luzov has reduced the life span by more than half, the atmosphere is somewhat dignified. At this time, there was a noise in the microphone of the commander tower.
"The impact point of the British test gun in the Command Tower is about 5 meters away from the port side 276!"
The news that the watchtower came back made the commanders feel a little relieved, and then it was a pity that the effect of the British 4-yard test was not ideal, which means that the British may have missed the shot and will be pushed back. Unfortunately, the result of the first round of turret right main gun volley is still a mystery
"The commander tower is 15 meters away!"
The news of the observation tower made the commanders of the Luzov breathe a little sigh of relief. The distance of 15 meters is equivalent to the width of five ships of the British capital ship, which is already a long distance.
The second round of the main turret of Luzov, the left half-gun volley, has been in full swing, and preparations have been made for the first round of the main gun shooting of the German Flingher, Cedritz and Mao Qi, and the British counterattack has been delayed. It is obvious that the first reconnaissance fleet has less advantages in the battle line, and the forward turrets of the three tireless class war patrol departments cannot obtain the different-side shooting boundary because of the limited chimneys 1 and 2.
Constrained by the standard displacement of tons and the design requirement that the maximum speed of coal-fired boilers is 25 knots, designers have to tirelessly patrol and place as many boilers as possible, so the bow of the ship and the position of the bow are placed, and the distance between the three chimneys of the boiler is almost different from the center line. In addition, at that time, the British paid great attention to the sequential firepower, so the advanced backpack turret became an oblique forward and backward turret, and the turret was located at the port front and the Q turret at the starboard rear, barely reaching 1 degree.
It is hard for ordinary people to imagine the attraction of keeping the number advantage of the main guns to the commander of the Royal Navy. It is hard to imagine avoiding the two piggyback turrets of the Queen Elizabeth-class stern. The turret of the stern of the ship lost its shooting position. Major General Moore insisted on turning the World War II patrol fleet to keep the battle line, so the British tried their best to complete the turning for a long time after the first round of milli-effect shelling, and were in a passive situation.
"The target ship entered the fog area, and the fifth round of right half-shelling volley was confirmed!"
The night interfered with the distance measurement and became "afraid of the road" for three minutes. The four-wheel main gun shelled the first reconnaissance fleet. The shooting speed was not fast and failed to achieve results. Even so, the three-minute battle still made the mediocre veteran Moore break out in a cold sweat. Moore was almost certain that he would lose one or two capital ships in the second world war patrol fleet and "save" the veteran’s thoughts. With the queuing of the tireless patrol ranging tower, the darkness flashed in the lens barrel. Moore finally breathed a sigh of relief.
"Chief of Staff, this is a successful turn!" Veteran pick stained provoked sweat cap relaxed way
"Commander, I’m sorry that the news sent by the newspaper office will ruin your wonderful mood!" The chief of staff of the World War II patrol fleet led the newsroom clerk into the commander tower with a sullen face. I don’t know whether it was schadenfreude or worry. "The Queen Elizabeth was hit thirteen times by the Luzov auxiliary gun, and the No.2 chimney, two auxiliary guns and starboard crane were destroyed. Twenty-nine sailors were killed because of the deformation and water seepage caused by a large-caliber near-missing bomb explosion; Australia was hit twelve times by Cedritz’s sub-cannon, and its midship bridge, a sub-cannon and a lifeboat were destroyed, and eleven sailors were killed. The New Zealand was hit twice by the auxiliary gun of the Mao Qi ship, but the loss was not great; The tireless was not attacked and the tireless observation tower failed to find its opponent all the time … "
"That is to say, General Betty’s battle report is too conservative. The fact that the German German German patrol has sunk or completely lost its combat effectiveness?" Major General Moore’s old face flashed with a flash of extraordinary splendour. Perhaps in a second, those orders to turn to avoid war will turn the ancient World War II patrol fleet back and pounce on the Germans who suffered heavy losses.
"However, in the last round of main gun shelling, the Germans were unfortunately shot by a 35mm armor-piercing projectile, which penetrated the engine room with armor and starboard rudder on the side of the Weary, and some cabins nearby were destroyed. Forty-four sailors were killed …" Major General Moore’s chief of staff easily shattered the unreasonable facts that Lingyun aspired to be cruel.
"Rudder … rudder engine room? !”
The second gun Chapter 16 Card (5)
[The chapter said that the boiler in the engine room of Warweary rudder was destroyed, and it was corrected by the Great God that it was not reliable. Everyone knows that a boiler rudder was reserved]
At 2: 05, the officers and men of the Second World War patrol fleet were a little stiff, and the physical encounter ended as soon as they moved.
Major General Moore will never admit that he reached the steering order except for the rendezvous of the first world war patrol fleet. When the second world war patrol fleet turned under the German artillery fire, the veteran also fantasized about amplifying the strength of the second world war patrol fleet. Although the three tireless class patrol ships were old, they were more than enough to deal with the Germans Cedritz, Mao Qi and the battered German. What’s more, he also had two Queen Elizabeth class battleships with a maximum speed of 25 knots and four 15-inch main guns. Before the appearance of the Hood class super battleship, it was almost a fleet commander’s dream.
The crime of obscenity is cruel in fact, but in five minutes, the German gunner won the victory. The steering gear of the war-weary ship was destroyed, and the poor war-weary ship had to rely on manpower to operate the steering gear for emergency avoidance. That could be an extravagant hope.
The experience of War-weary interrupted the last backbone of the veteran, so the white waves stirred by the bow of the ship were immediately cut and crushed by the hull. The red Z-flag masts were shaking straight. The Queen Elizabeth, War-weary, Australia, New Zealand and Tireless formed a long line, and the sea fog along the Jutland coastline continued to turn around in Marseille.
At 2: 17, there was a little fog in the sea. The World War II patrol fleet stumbled to adjust its course to the southwest and fell behind. The patrol of the tireless vaguely found that the big guy in the northeast was eager to get rid of the difficult opponent Betty. Major General Moore ordered the retreat and the 19 destroyers attached to the seventh destroyer fleet to launch torpedo attacks.
At 2: 25, the Seventh Destroyer Team took the lead to complete the formation. The destroyer flew over the bow of the Queen Elizabeth at a speed of 35 knots, and rushed at the entangled German first reconnaissance fleet.
The North Sea ice-cold night destroyer is only a thousand tons of displacement steam engine running at a high speed, which almost throws deck sailors into the chimney and spews smoke to cover the sun. Rao tied himself to the main mast, and the British lookout could hold his nose with his eyes open.
At 2: 35, the murderous British Seventh Destroyer Team just bypassed the bow of the Queen Elizabeth when it was met by the German First Destroyer Team. There was no doubt that the two groups of men met with the same idea.
Compared with the British, the development of German destroyers was late, and it was not as late as the ship-fearing patrol ship-building competition.
Before the service of Type 196 destroyer, the German Admiralty always followed the name of large torpedo boat. When Britain and other countries increased the tonnage of their torpedo boats or torpedo boat destroyers and the firepower of naval guns to design a new type of ship-destroyer, the Germans’ thinking was still stuck in the shackles of the green water naval school, that is, the torpedo boat would attack the enemy’s main ships at a small cost. However, a paper by Wang Haidi had a subtle influence on the Germans who had just taken a decisive step in exploring the ocean.
In 1997, Wang Haidi learned from scattered experience that torpedo boats were not used alone, but were equipped with a large fleet to fight and protect the main ship, fire support, investigation, search and rescue, and other forward-looking predictions. At that time, they were not taken seriously. They were eager to expand the ocean fleet and focused on the battleship. As always, the so-called 19-type large torpedo boat was small. Thin skin and weak firepower, but when the world navy entered the era of fear of ships, the German suddenly rushed to dig out those nearly ancient paper 196 destroyers from the pile of old paper, and the name destroyer was officially compiled by the German navy because Wang Haidi named this warship with a new mission in his paper.
What a surprise! German destroyers attached great importance to protection. The sacrifice of this excellent system was the firepower of the destroyer fleet, which was of epoch-making significance to Germany. The 196 large destroyer had a displacement of 745 tons, but there were several 35-mm main guns. Then the standard displacement of the 1911 large destroyer soared from tons to 1 ton of endurance. The number of torpedoes-tubes kept increasing, but the 35-mm main guns were not changed until the war, but they were temporarily converted into 35-mm main guns. At the same time, British destroyers had generally installed 4-inch 12 guns.
I have to say that the complexity of the ship type number of the German destroyer not only makes the technology the highest than that of the British spy dizzy, but even Wang Haidi occasionally feels alienated. German destroyers can be divided into three types: large, medium and small destroyers, and the 1914 type 1915 destroyer is a small destroyer, while the large destroyer can be divided into 19 types, 196 types, 1911 types and 1913 types. However, all these German destroyers can be divided, V, G three categories, these abbreviations are taken from Sishao Shipyard, vulcan Shipyard and Germanic Shipyard respectively, and there are also new numbers such as, B, which represent that this destroyer came from Antwerp, Blom-Voss, Hamburg and lderke, Kiel.
The destroyers of Germany and Britain met each other less than a yard apart, so it was not speculative. More than half a sentence: British 6-inch and 4-inch shells rained down on the freeboard of Germany’s first destroyer team, and the water column splashed around the destroyers. At 2: 36, the destroyer V-27 took the lead. It was suddenly torn by a 4-inch shell, nearly two meters long, and it got into the engine room and exploded, breaking all the steam pipes of V-27. The main engine and auxiliary engine of V-27 were suddenly stopped. A minute later, the destroyer V- The destroyer V2 also ate a 4-inch mm shell. The antenna, watchtower and searchlight at the front of the destroyer’s bridge were missing.
The British didn’t run wild for long. The German destroyers were equipped with 15mm main guns, and the armor belt on the side of the Nd destroyer was gradually suppressed by fire. A main gun ammunition room exploded in front of the door, and the ammunition room of the Nd destroyer instantly burst. The bow of the ship broke in the night, and a dazzling orange flame broke out. Large pieces of iron dust were thrown to tens of meters high.
Poor Nd’s fire was blazing cold and unfeeling, and the North Sea was declared sunk in less than ten seconds. More than 60 sailors were killed on the spot, and the Nir was quickly sacrificed. Unfortunately, the stern was hit, only the weak armored steering gear was destroyed, and the shell exploded, which led to a fire, which in turn became the best reference for the bombardment of German destroyers under night and fog conditions.
At 2: 46, the British first destroyer team and the German second destroyer team joined the battle group. At this time, the German first destroyer team was 7 yards away from the main ship of the British second world war patrol fleet. German destroyers fired torpedoes at the high-speed second world war patrol fleet. The British realized that the situation was not good. The main ship was densely packed with auxiliary guns and all the guns attached to the battle cruisers and destroyers were not as deadly as fire. The sea on the side of the German destroyer suddenly boiled to complete the rise of a great country. The mystery of which of Britain and Germany was more loved by the emperor will be revealed with the white marks on the sea level filled with smoke.
"Torpedo right full rudder evasion found on the port front side!" The narrow command towers of destroyers were covered in grease, and the German captains screamed at the top of their lungs, and the orders were reached.
"Anti-fish system emergency evasion!" The small destroyer turned dexterously, and the whole hull was slightly tilted, so it missed a fierce 45 mm torpedo. Through those observation holes, the captain of erd was surprised to find another fish radar. The last command of the British destroyer erd was surprised to find that a 45 mm torpedo pierced the sailors’ small-caliber artillery cloth in vain, and the fire net rushed towards the erd.
The proud captain of the Royal Navy closed his eyes and flashed flint. He remembered the white dress fluttering in the manor in Wales. His wife loved fishing, and all the beautiful things flashed like a fleeting glimpse. After the embarrassment disappeared, the captain vaguely found that his heart was still beating.
"Thank you, Emperor, that damn torpedo passed through our feet because of the depth setting problem!" The seaman wiped away his head and cold sweat.
No one will look down on the seaman erd, who is almost collapsing, even though he is a heroic enemy Royal Navy man! Because this is war!
"damn war!" The captain of the destroyer erd loosened his fist and covered his pocket with family photos. He didn’t like it or feel sad. With the breath of death, he ordered "Re-fill the anti-torpedo position. erd counterattacked!"
"My pleasure …" The gunner came back with a British humor. All kinds of caliber guns were not desperately projected at the German destroyer, and the German destroyer in the lookout telescope left all the torpedoes and took the Z-line to retreat.
There seems to be a fiery red light scattering behind him, and the lookout’s military hat is dyed red. If the lookout doesn’t turn his head, his colleagues will whisper and repeat an amazing news.
"War-weariness was hit by a torpedo …"
The second gun Chapter 16 Card (6)
The brief exchange of fire made the British people see that the steel fleet of the German Empire was reserved, and the patrol fleet of World War II was determined to adjust their course under the cover of night and sea fog in Jutland, and to meet Betty’s patrol fleet of World War I.
Major General Moore’s decision, though somewhat conservative, is by no means one thing. It is a pity that the First Reconnaissance Fleet has made up its mind to pester Moore’s second world war patrol fleet to turn to doubt and put the rudder destroyed and the War-weary in a dilemma.
Feet faintly tremble, and then the human steering gear is operated. When the sailors are perplexed, the obscurity eventually leads to an earth-shattering huge warship. It seems that the sailors have been lifted by some huge external force, and they have fallen to the blood.
At 2: 46, a 45-mm torpedo passed by the destroyer erd magnificently, and directly hit the Warweary, which had no 13-inch waterline and the bow of the main armored protective ship. The torpedo’s fighting capacity was amazing. The port side ship tore a crack three meters below the bow, and the hull exploded. The bow of the Warweary ship was suddenly eroded.
Torpedo attack of destroyers subject to effective range of torpedoes has always been called "the impact of death" by sailors. The real name of this nickname is attributed to the suicide attack that armored and weak destroyers face the enemy’s capital ships and light ships less than 1,000 yards away, such as small-caliber auxiliary guns in the forest, throwing torpedoes in the rain of bullets.
More than 40 minutes of torpedo warfare, the first reconnaissance fleet lost six destroyers, and three other destroyers were hit hard. The British lost three destroyers and two destroyers were hit hard. The battleship Tired of War was hit, and the bow speed dropped by 22 knots.

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