武汉桑拿网,武汉品茶网,武汉夜网,武汉夜生活论坛 品茶论坛 Now bare’s primary goal is not Thomas, but Ye Qing. He must kill Ye Qing first, and then the team’s hope of winning will be greater. In this way, Thomas will be relatively safe. He can kill those gunner teams first and establish a numerical advantage.

Now bare’s primary goal is not Thomas, but Ye Qing. He must kill Ye Qing first, and then the team’s hope of winning will be greater. In this way, Thomas will be relatively safe. He can kill those gunner teams first and establish a numerical advantage.

The two sides continued to fight fiercely in the sixth round, and the battlefield was still the middle road. This time, the people of Club I didn’t stick to the base, but directly rushed to fight with each other near the middle pool. It was a tough battle against the gun by virtue of their posture.
This kind of fighting with the Ministry exposed to the outside looks quite exciting, and of course it is also quite tragic. There is no shelter to cover the bullets flying around. At any time, someone will be killed or shot in the head and then fall to the ground heavily.
Fortunately, this game has changed its special effects in China, and there will be no blood coming out of it when it is shot, and there will be no trace left in the part where it is hit by a gun. The scene looks less bloody, but you can feel that the battle is very fierce.
Snipers from both sides are flashing in the base relying on bunkers. Of course, they won’t rush to join the battle. Is it safer to die or to be in the base?
Ye Qing chose to scuffle with the other side like this because he wanted to mix among the machine gunners, which made it difficult for bare to choose his target. Because this was the injury of his teammates, there were four machine gunners in the Tiger Brotherhood in front, and it was difficult for people here in the club to leave a gap, and bare rashly shot them, which might kill their teammates.
In this way, Thomas actually has little chance. Two snipers have to choose each other’s targets and have a chat first. Thomas flashed out and quickly shot back. It’s the same with bare hands. Neither of them hit each other for the first time.
Thomas felt a sigh of relief when he returned. Every time he fought with Bare, it was a lucky thing to come back safely. However, Bare failed to kill him in the first encounter, which made him feel that Bare was not so terrible. If he had to react quickly, he might have escaped from his gun and fought with the other side several times, and his confidence would have been constantly raised. It was also a kind of training for his marksmanship.
Chapter 1197 Personal ability embodiment
In Thomas and bare, the pool scuffle between the snipers was almost over, and Ye Qing was mixed in it. Soon, the Tiger Brotherhood machine gunners were killed cleanly, and Ye Qing was left alone in the I club. Obviously, the killer power of the Tiger Brotherhood machine gunners was also very strong, and they were still able to kill other machine guns in the I club when Ye Qing fired some shots.
Bare and Thomas have been shot three times, but it is quite rare in the past. Bare and a person are rarely shot three times, which is usually a fatal shot. If the first shot is not hit, then the second shot will definitely be adjusted and then he will win. Now he has shot three times and has not killed Thomas.
Bare bit his lip and retreated to the bunker, then he didn’t flash out again, but retreated in another direction. He knew that Ye Qing would definitely chase himself from it. If he didn’t run, he would be shot and screened by Ye Qing at close range.
Zhou Wei and others feel strange when they see Bare’s failure to kill each other’s snipers. What’s going on, Bare? Is it deliberately releasing water? In fact, where do they know that bare’s difficulties are not that he is releasing water, but that Thomas is really quite cunning. He is either trying to keep him from having a chance to kill the I club machine gunner with him.
When Thomas flashed out, he didn’t even blindly shoot the mirror, and then quickly flashed back. This is naturally faster than letting bare fail to grasp the opportunity. When the first shot didn’t hit, bare didn’t attract attention. When the second shot still didn’t hit, he found that the opponent’s gun was faster than himself and faster to go back. He didn’t have a chance to kill it himself.
After a little thinking, he knew that the other party must be blind, and the speed of blind sniper gun would be faster than him. Similarly, the speed of blind sniper going back would be quite fast. By this analysis, he knew that the other party was holding him back and he was one point higher. Nevertheless, he still wanted to kill the other party, even if the other party flashed back quickly enough, he just wanted to challenge the difficulty.
Who knows that his third shot still failed to kill the other side, but when he wanted to find another chance, he found that his own machine gunner had been destroyed and the other side had left Ye Qing, a macho man, and he could choose to retreat.
The pool scuffle ended too quickly, and bare became quite embarrassed. No one knew why bare couldn’t kill a person after three shots. Thomas knew in his heart that his plan was successful. He came to join bare and had got up the courage to be sniped, but at the moment he flashed out, he felt that if he stayed a little longer, he might be sniped by bare. That was an intuition, so he simply shot back blindly and saved his life.
After he returned, he had a new plan. He felt that he needed to stall Bare, which was a contribution to the team. As a result, Bare’s method posed a threat to other machine gunners. If Bare stopped fighting with him but went to kill other machine gunners, then he wouldn’t blindly be killed, but he would deal with Bare with a mirror. Maybe he would have a chance to kill Bare when Bare was killing other machine gunners.
He didn’t expect that bare had no choice to deal with other machine gunners, but he was determined to be killed. Fortunately, he didn’t have the courage to go with bare and always take a blind and quick return way to being killed. When he saw that the other machine gun’s hands were all killed and Ye Qing was left alone, he knew that his plan was successful, and he couldn’t help secretly pleased.
Ye Qing didn’t dare to follow the direction of bare retreat, because it was a very dangerous trip. Bare could be there waiting for him to chase him at any time, and then he would be killed at a long distance. Even if the first shot didn’t hit, there was still a chance for a second shot because of the distance.
Although the former bare and Thomas didn’t kill Thomas after being shot three times, Ye Qing didn’t dare to take risks. He believed bare absolutely had the strength to kill him with one shot.
He asked Thomas to stay in his original place and wait for bare appearance in the middle. Anyway, bare theory about where to run will always be discovered by him through the middle zone, while Thomas needs to pay attention to his sides when he stays in his original place. Once bare appears, he will definitely be prepared before bare and Ye Qing will definitely outflank him quickly.
Ye Qing believes that bare faced a more dangerous situation before his arrangement was inevitable. At that time, he was left alone in the team and there were four people on the other side, but he killed three people in a row and almost succeeded in reversing. This time, there were two people on the other side, and he believed that he had a great possibility to complete the reversal.
No one will doubt that Xiao Ran has this ability. This map is not big, but there are still many places where Xiao Ran can benefit. He can take the initiative to attack or find a place to hide and wait for the other party to come to him. This kind of hiding is of course not absolutely because this map does not have that kind of shelter that can completely block people. There are walls and limited boxes, which means that one side can block his body and the other side is exposed to people.
Bare is not the kind of passive person. He chooses to take the initiative to attack. He wants the other side to guess where he will appear. This is his usual style. Many teams think bare is elusive when they play annihilation mode with the Tiger Brotherhood. Every time he appears, it makes people feel very surprised, and then he can always cause heavy losses to the enemy in that place.
This time, it was the same. I ran out for a long distance and stopped. Then I looked back and found that Ye Qing didn’t catch up with him, and then I went back the same way. This really made Ye Qing unexpected.
Ye Qing didn’t expect bare to go and return to his direction, or bare may appear in that direction, and Thomas’ defensive direction is also in that direction. Bare suddenly appeared on the side of Ye Qing, which is also in the middle zone where the pool can be seen.
Ye Qing flashed out from time to time after the wall near the pool to observe a situation, which happened to be sideways facing bare and bare. Seeing Ye Qing was still waiting for him in the pool, Ye Qing suddenly seemed to be overjoyed. He hurriedly flashed out to the mirror, which was a shot. He was fully prepared and naturally assured.
Ye Qing fell bare when he saw this scene, and suddenly he felt better. If Ye Qing was killed, it would be very easy for him to deal with the sniper. He believed that the sniper would not dare to confront him.
When Thomas saw the death message, it seemed that he still couldn’t believe that his eye leaf tilt was actually killed by bare. What was the situation?
He didn’t even see the bare shadow. Where did that guy come from? He was full of doubts, and Ye Qing immediately gave the answer and told him the bare position. He felt nervous in his heart. Without Ye Qing’s cover, he and Xiao Ran were really run.
Ye Qing is also a long sigh. He was so careless that he forgot bare’s unreasonable style of playing cards. This round has been a shoo-in, but now it has fallen short.
Although there is still a sniper in club I, everyone doesn’t like him. After all, his opponent is a famous sniper! Although Thomas is also a professional player with professional standards, he has always been a national name. No one will believe that the sniper will be defeated by an unknown sniper.
Thomas himself has no confidence. He is not afraid of being bare, but he knows that he is no match for being bare in strength. Now the team hopes on him, and he feels pressure.
Ye Qing said to him more easily, "Tom, don’t worry about playing. Anyway, this round is doomed, and I don’t expect you to win. Relax!"
Thomas suddenly burst into anger when he heard this. "Do you want to hit me like this! I still don’t believe it. Are all snipers? Do I have to lose? "
"Well, I will definitely lose!" The rest of the people also have no hesitation tunnel
Thomas gave several people a middle finger, and then clenched the mouse to note his sides. He didn’t know where bare would appear and he couldn’t help but get nervous.
Ye Qing felt that it was necessary for him to wake up. Thomas should pay attention to the middle road. Because he is bare, he probably won’t appear from both sides. He is an unreasonable player.
"Tom, pay attention to the middle road. He may rush through it!" Ye Qing wakes up
Thomas frowned. "No way. He rushed to fight me in close combat? Unreasonable! "
"What’s unreasonable? He’s a master of arts. He dares to bully you by being blind and having a better instantaneous mirror ability than you. What’s the matter? Can you not? " Leaf tilting unceremoniously tunnel
Thomas suddenly felt very faceless, but it was hard to refute that his ability of blind sniping and instantaneous mirror was indeed much worse than that of bare. If bare really rushed, he would definitely not be bare opponent in close confrontation.
He quickly flashed out and took a look at the middle road, but he was surprised to find that bare was really rushing towards the surface. He was startled and hurriedly shot bare, but he didn’t expect the other party to suddenly flash out. He also shot a shot in a conditioned reflex, and neither of them hit the other party.
Thomas hurried back, while bare continued to rush toward the surface.
Chapter 119 A shot at Wei
Thomas has been retreating since he returned to the wall. He knew that bare would definitely come. If he didn’t retreat, he might be blindly killed by bare. That would be embarrassing.
After the distance is pulled, both sides can mirror the sniper. Although Thomas is still not sure, it is much better than being killed by blind sniper.
Bare, rushed at it vigorously, and then the long-distance mirror quickly took a shot. Thomas didn’t show weakness. When he saw bare, he also took a shot. He had been waiting for bare for a long time. The speed of the two guns was almost the same, and the guns almost overlapped.
After the gun went off, a death message was immediately flashed on the right side of the screen, which means that the two men have already won the battle this time. Who was killed by the sniper?
The audience stared at the big screen intently. When they saw that it was the sniper of Club I, Thomas couldn’t help but give a sigh of regret. They all felt that this round should actually be won by Club I, but they knew that Bare saved the defeat by his personal ability and made the score a three-to-three draw.
Once again, the value of the ace player has been fully reflected. It is self-evident that bare is the cornerstone of the team and the spiritual support of the team members. With him in the Tiger Brotherhood, he is definitely a tiger. If the team loses him, the tiger will become a sick cat.
In the seventh round, Ye Qing adjusted his tactics. Instead of fighting with the other side in the middle, he killed the soldiers from both sides in two ways to the middle zone, and then rushed to the middle pool on both sides to meet.
The bare strategy is that the Chinese troops fight out two teams from the left. The strategy is so different that they can’t meet the I club people. After meeting in the middle pool, they arrange people to defend at every intersection in the middle intersection. No matter where the other side appears, they will find it and then they will attack.
Usually, people who play this map blindly kill each other, and rarely take tactics. Because the annihilation mode is just to stimulate and enjoy killing people, you don’t need to go to the brain.
Few people study what tactics are needed to defeat opponents on this map, even professional teams rarely study this map. Most teams study street fighting. This map of annihilation mode is more likely to appear and the terrain is slightly more complicated than the cross of death, so tactics can be used to win.
Ye Qing has studied all the tactics he can think of now, and there is no previous experience to learn from. So is Xiao Ran. It is difficult to check and balance the tactics of the two players, and ultimately it depends on the players of both sides to play.
The trail of the Tiger Brotherhood was soon discovered by the people in the I Club, and the people in the I Club immediately got up and shot at the Tiger Brotherhood, and the Tiger Brotherhood immediately dispersed to fight back.
Bare, I didn’t expect Ye Qing to put the people near the pool. The pool is actually a very good point, but if you can’t beat it, you can escape from one direction. This place also has defects, that is, there are too many directions to guard against.
If the other side is a medium force, you need to defend in one direction. If the other side’s forces are scattered, you must guard against them in every direction, or you will be attacked by the other side.
Bare, too, saw this key in an instant, and immediately dispersed the troops to let the players attack in other directions, so that the firepower of the I club is bound to be dispersed, and in the one-on-one situation, the Tiger Brotherhood gunner naturally fears the I club gunner.
The bare character just needs to stall Ye Qing. If he doesn’t stall Ye Qing, the Tiger Brotherhood gunner will probably suffer heavy losses.
Ye Qing also knows his importance, and at the same time, he knows that bare will definitely deal with him first. He doesn’t care where bare is. He first retreats to the bunker and then rushes directly to Fang, intending to sneak attack from this side. He won’t give bare a chance to be killed.
As soon as he rushed to the Tiger Brotherhood, one of them rushed right against the face. It happened that Ye Qing, who was bare and sent someone, hurriedly fired a few shots at the man. The man also immediately fought back. It was just a moment, but the machine gun pistol method was not as good as Ye Qing.
Despite this, the machine gunner used his posture to get it. When Ye Qing supported more than a dozen rounds of ammunition, Ye Qing was somewhat dissatisfied with his own shooting. In the case of good hand feeling, he failed to blow his opponent’s head off in the first three rounds. His marksmanship still needs hard work and has not yet reached a critical point.
After more than a dozen rounds of ammunition, Ye Qing still shot the gunner’s head. At this time, bare knew where Ye Qing was going and immediately came to this side. Ye Qing also reacted very quickly to kill the gunner and then quickly retreated. He knew bare would definitely come against him.

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